We are a multi-generational church with a full range of ministries for all ages. Our worship services are relaxed and contemporary with a strong emphasis on relating the Bible to the challenges of contemporary life.
Dr. Bill Warren
Dr. Bill Warren, Pastor. Bro. Bill, our senior pastor, is from northwest Florida, has served as the pastor and interim pastor of several churches previously, and is a professor at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Katie, served as missionaries in Colombia for most of the 1980s. He is the founding pastor of Jacob’s Well. His theological training includes degrees from Mississippi College and New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div. and Ph.D.), and other studies at the University of Southern Mississippi (Anthropology) and the Seminario Teológico Latinoamericano.
Rev. Chip Williams
Assoc. Pastor
Rev. Ray Allen
Assoc. Pastor
Alan Simmons
Worship Minister
Alan is the worship minister at Jacob’s Well, having been with us since our first meeting as a founding member along with his wife, Susan. He is a businessman in his other job but gives a lot of his time in coordinating the Praise Team and leading the church services in worship as well as helping in multiple other ways at the church.
Mike Mooar
Activities Director
Mike, our Activities Director, gives special attention to children and youth activities. He helps in Children’s Church and with various other church programs, including CentriKid and CentriFuge each summer. He and his wife, Shelley, have been with us since the first few meetings of Jacob’s Well, with both being charter members.
Bob Guidry
Associate Worship Minister
Bob is our assistant worship leader, and a vital part of our Praise Team. His experience includes leading worship, composing music, and playing a variety of instruments. He and his wife, Cindy, also are in demand for leading worship for revivals and special events.
Chadda Meagher
Children’s Minister
Tina Debrow
Administrative Assistant and Financial Secretary